Enterprise Gamification Case Study – Bluewolf’s #goingsocial Portal

Deloitte recently published an article on enterprise gamification. This article had case studies from three companies outlining their gamification strategies in the areas of customer support, employee social media activities and employee engagement at a conference. Being an active proponent of introducing game elements into enterprise learning content and for taking gamification outside the Desktop, I take it as my responsibility to share successful implementation of enterprise gamification solutions even when it is outside the enterprise learning domain. I am reproducing one of the case studies as it is. You can read the entire article here.

Gamifying digital exhaust: Institutional knowledge often lives in the minds of employees. Bluewolf, a global technology consulting firm, uses gamification principles to entice employees to build and maintain a public brand, encourage knowledge sharing, and help capture experience. The company surveyed employees to understand how they interacted with social media, and from that information built the #GoingSocial Portal (Check out the Pinterest board created by Bluewolf). The goal of the portal is to educate employees on how to use the major social networks more effectively, and to instill principles for managing online reputations.
Screenshot of Bluewolf's #goingsocialportal

Bluewolf’s #goingsocial portal

Employee profiles display biographical information and include the “digital exhaust” of social media activity, such as Twitter updates and links to authored content (blog posts, white papers, etc.). These profiles were made public on the company’s website to showcase the knowledge of employees to clients. To monitor that profiles were created and maintained, the company gamified the use of pack profiles by awarding points to employees for activities such as publishing a blog post. Since collaboration was a critical driver for creating #GoingSocial, each pack profile was linked to social media analytics. Employees
could earn points based on popularity of content through clicks and comments. Specific challenges also netted points, such as the “spread the word” challenge to get employees to use their networks and link them back to the website. Employees received badges and recognition for completing challenges, and if they accrued enough points, they could cash in for rewards such as gift cards, lunchwith the CEO, tickets to conferences, and flight upgrades.
One important aspect of the #GoingSocial program was the use of employees to build Bluewolf’s thought leadership. In the first four months of the program,website traffic from social channels increased 100% and social traffic increased 20%. The company saw a 57% increase in collaboration through their internal social network, and has been able to maintain this level of collaboration through continued use of game principles.
Srinivas Krishnaswamy

I love to read and share thoughts on technology, enterprise learning, mobile and any thing cool that impacts enterprises.

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Posted in eLearning, Game based Learning, Gamification
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