The Promise of Microsoft HoloLens in the Enterprise

One of the technologies I am keeping a close eye on is Microsoft HoloLens. After the spectacular failure of Virtual Worlds (remember the Second Life hype in around 2005?) and the premature demise of Google Glass (at the first version), we have yet another contender for taking enterprise learning, collaboration and performance support to the next level.

Microsoft HoloLens is a wearable computing device that lets you interact with holograms superimposed on real objects around you. John Bohmer, has given a detailed explanation on how HoloLens is different from Rift and Google Glass in this Quora post. In short, Microsoft has created is a sophisticated Augmented Reality wearable device that is significantly better than Google Glass in projecting sophisticated augmented graphics / images on real word objects, with an ability to interact with the augmented content.

Microsoft has already released a few case studies on how enterprises and universities are piloting the use of Microsoft HoloLens. What really piqued my attention was the demonstration of how HoloLens is used by CWRU and Cleveland Clinic are leveraging Microsoft HoloLens to deliver breakthrough training solutions for budding Doctors. Check out this video.

Srinivas Krishnaswamy

I love to read and share thoughts on technology, enterprise learning, mobile and any thing cool that impacts enterprises.

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